COVID-19 continues to impact our communities globally, with millions of cases reported so far and many countries and cities seeing the rise of a second wave and accompanying public health measures to stop the spread. We have learned a lot about operating micro-mobility services under COVID-19 conditions and have worked with experts to validate our approach.
The safety of our riders and teams is our top priority. We are taking extensive precautionary measures, following WHO guidelines as well as local policies. Current research shows that surface transmission of COVID-19 presents little to no risk. Transmission may occur if a rider touches a surface within 1-2 hours after someone who has COVID-19 has deposited infected droplets onto that surface. Despite the low risk of COVID-19 surface transmission on e-scooters, any risk is a risk that TIER has a responsibility to reduce.
To increase safety we have developed and implemented the following key measures for our e-scooter and e-moped service:
- Every vehicle that undergoes a battery swap and health check is simultaneously disinfected on all areas where a rider’s hands come into contact with the vehicle.
- Vehicles undergoing maintenance and repairs at our warehouses are cleaned and disinfected before being approved as safe to re-enter the active fleet, and thereafter redeployed.
- In cities that have e-scooters with helmet boxes or e-mopeds:
- The helmet box or compartment is disinfected, so is the helmet.
- Helmet boxes and compartments are equipped with hair nets that are refilled whenever the battery is swapped. Hand sanitiser sachets are available in the helmet box.

- We are communicating health and safety guidelines and relevant updates to our riders via in-app notification messaging, social media, and this webpage.
TIER also takes thorough precautions when it comes to the health & safety of our employees. This has enabled TIER to remain operational throughout the entire COVID-19 pandemic and provide socially-distanced mobility services. We have adopted these key measures to protect our staff:
- Any employees whose role is non-essential in operations or administration are recommended to continue to work remotely, particularly if employees belong to COVID-19 risk groups.
- Employees are instructed to keep a 2m distance between themselves and other colleagues and to wear a mask at all times, except at their designated workspace.

- TIER recommends that employees wash their hands frequently, especially after entering the warehouse or office, coming back from swapping shifts or different areas, and before and after lunch. There are hand-washing instructions placed next to every sink.
- Employees are instructed to sanitise their work station before they begin working in the morning. TIER recommends disinfecting devices like their laptop or phone daily too.
- TIER provides disinfection wipes and hand sanitiser in all operations vehicles (e-vans & e-bikes). Staff are instructed to sanitise their hands before and after every task (battery swap, e-scooter disinfection, rebalancing etc.).

- All operations vehicles are santised before and after every shift.
- All of our employees are trained on the proper etiquette of hand-washing, hygiene and safe handling of our vehicles.
- The shifts of our city teams have been staggered, reducing human-to-human contact to a bare minimum in our daily operations.
- Personal protective equipment (sanitary mask, gloves and hydro-alcoholic gel) is available for all operations employees.

- Meetings are held via phone/video call, to limit any close contact. Only where absolutely necessary, meetings in conference rooms can be held, observing the 1.5m minimum distance.
- Only essential business travel is permitted.
All measures are under constant review by our internal COVID-19 Taskforce, who monitor the latest information and local regulations to update protocols as needed.
As we continuously monitor the situation, we see a need for safe forms of transportation in cities during these times of social distancing. There are still people who have to commute, in particular people in the healthcare sector or people working in stores that provide necessary goods. We are currently active in all of our cities, having launched operations in an additional 25 during the COVID-19 lockdowns so far, extending safe mobility to local communities.
All changes to our operations are being made in open dialogue with the city authorities. We have also adjusted our operations to enable rapid response times to any upcoming changes to our service availability or due to requests from city authorities.
Overcoming this is a collective effort of all members of every community and TIER is investigating how best to support the public, aid, and private services when and however possible.
Information on protection measures against Covid-19 for our Riders and community
TIER provides ongoing guidelines and updates through our app, website, and emails. In addition, we recommend all people in our TIER community to keep regularly updated with their local and national COVID-19 guidelines as well as the guidelines and global best practices of the WHO.
For direct information from the World Health Organisation, please visit:
Guidelines for reducing Covid-19 spread and protecting yourself from exposure
- Work from home where possible, particularly if you belong to a COVID-19 risk group or have regular contact with someone who is.
- Whenever possible practice social distancing (2 meters) under all circumstances.
- Regularly wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand-sanitiser.

- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth as much as possible and especially with unwashed hands.
- Sneeze or cough into the bend of your elbow and away from other people or surfaces; or cover your mouth and nose with a tissue and immediately throw the tissue away.
- Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects.
- If you are feeling any symptoms, self-quarantine for a period of 14 days and notify your local health authority under the guidelines issued in your country or city.
We care about our riders and communities. We care about you.